Air purifiers, Allergies and Asthma – Here’s a Reason We Age So Quickly!
When it comes to breathing easy, some people have it better than others. In fact, people who suffer from asthma and/or allergies can have a hard time breathing, even indoors. Their symptoms can be so intense, in fact, that it can lead to serious issues. For property owners, ensuring that their occupants can breathe easy and safely should be an important consideration, which means they need to think about air purity. Today, we look at how air purifiers allergies and asthma are all related, what can be the common symptoms of these ailments and why more and more property owners are investing in air quality in their buildings.
The Difference Between Asthma and Allergies
Before we talk about the relationship between air purifiers, allergies and asthma, it’s important that we make some important distinctions. First is the difference between asthma and allergies. Or, more specifically, asthma and allergic reactions. Since they can have common symptoms, it’s important to know the difference.
Asthma is a condition where your airways can narrow, swell and may produce extra mucus. The result is difficulty breathing, potential trigger coughing, a distinct wheezing noise when breathing out and shortness of breath. While the issue is not curable and some people experience more manageable symptoms as they age, it is a lifelong condition that is treatable.
There are a few types of asthma, one of which is called “allergic asthma.” This is when asthmatic symptoms can be triggered by allergens. In these instances, the usual symptoms associated with asthma are exacerbated, or made worse, when the person encounters whatever allergens trigger the response. Common allergens for asthma include pet dander, mold, bacteria and pollen.
Allergic reactions, compared to asthma and allergic asthma, can cause similar reactions to people. This is especially true for difficulty breathing and swelling in the respiratory system. With allergic reactions, the causes can be more than the allergens that can trigger asthma, which can also include other reactions, like rashes. They can potentially be fatal as well, depending on the severity of the allergy and the amount of exposure.
The Link Between Air Purifiers, Allergies and Asthma
Now that we have talked about asthma and allergens, it’s time to look at how air purifiers, allergies and asthma come together.
We’ve looked at some of the types of reactions possible with asthma and allergies. The truth is that on top of the presence of allergens that can trigger either, there are other airborne compounds that can make things worse. These are often referred to as “irritants” because they can irritate a person’s system and make symptoms like those with asthma much worse. All of these irritants can be quite common, especially in impure air within residences, commercial buildings and more.
Some of the more common irritants include cigarette smoke, dust and particulates in the air, airborne chemicals, strong fumes and odors, intense vapors, as well as smoke from wood fires or charcoal grills.
Air Purifiers can Help Ease Symptoms of Asthma and Allergies
One of the easiest ways to pull allergens and irritants out of the air is with air purifiers. These incredible devices use a series of technologies that can eliminate over 99% of particulates that can cause or intensify asthmatic and allergic reactions. They can also help eliminate other potentially dangerous things in the air, like viruses and bacteria, all while helping their HVAC systems work more efficiently.
Today’s air purifiers often use a blend of HEPA-grade filters, UV light, as well as air intake and output to essentially take in impure air, clean it, and return clean air into a space, making it easier to breathe. They can be easily used individually in smaller spaces, or they can work in tandem in larger commercial or industrial spaces. No matter how they’re used, they can help everyone breathe easier.
Other Important Benefits that Come with Purified Air
Air purity is important for a number of reasons, including making a safer space for people suffering from asthma and/or allergies. If you own a building, it’s important to use air purifiers to ensure the air quality is not simply up to local standards but can make a space welcoming for all people. It’s a great way to help everyone literally breathe easier. Since the links between air purifiers, allergies and asthma are proven, you can help alleviate these symptoms by investing in the air quality of your properties with air purifiers.
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