Three Things to Consider Before Preserving Your Stem Cells
Stem cells are life-giving cells that have transformed the various aspects of modern medicine. The process of bio-preservation of these cells starts before a child is born. New parents need to register with a private or a public Newborn Stem Cell Preservation bank. The bank ensures the collection, processing, storage, and preservation of these cells.
After the child is born and the umbilical cord is clipped and cut, the blood that remains is collected. The stem cell banks then make arrangements for the processing and cryogenic preservation of the child’s stem cells.
Stem cells preservation is based on the concept of preserving these cells while they are young, healthy, and potent. However, adult stem cells can also be preserved for usage in future regenerative medicine therapies.
Before you chose to preserve your stem cells or the stem cells of your child, there are a few crucial things that you need to consider. Let us discuss these factors in detail.
- Public or private cord blood bank
Newborn Stem Cell Preservation begins with a choice between public and private stem cell banks. Private banks provide you with control over the usage of your child’s stem cells. The cells are stored for you and your family and can only be used in ways that you desire.
However, such control requires you to make a huge investment in registration, as well as storage of the stem cells. The cost is bifurcated into a one-time fee, as well as periodic payments.
With an affordable cord blood bank of $19.99/month, you can store the stem cells of your child with a private bank and reap all the health benefits it offers.
Public banks, on the other hand, accept the donation of stem cells. These cells can be used by others who are a match. Also, the cells preserved with a stem cells bank can be used for medical research. In any case, you do not have any control over how these cells are used.
The cost of banking with a private bank is nil.
- Assess your condition
Newborn Stem Cell Preservation acts as insurance that protects your child from future medical emergencies. However, the need for stem cell banking can be more, depending on your circumstances.
For example, if you have a family history of rare diseases, then preserving the stem cells of your child can be quintessential. Similarly, if one of the parents is adopted, you can choose to preserve the stem cells as a precautionary measure.
The stem cells of a child have a 25% chance of being a perfect match and a 75 % chance of being a partial match. Hence, if you have a sick child who suffers from any rare diseases, preserving the stem cells of your newborn can aid in addressing the medical condition of another child.
Preserving the cord blood of one child can help in protecting all the children from future medical emergencies. However, having the stem cell preserved for each child can ensure that the samples for transfusion are a perfect match.
- Storage condition
There are numerous stem cell banks in the market, and they claim to preserve the stem cells of your child with utmost caution. However, as a parent, you need to ensure that your baby’s stem cells are in the right hand. You need to check a bank’s record to see if the bank is as efficient as it claims to be.
Look at specific data like the number of units stored by the bank and the number of samples used in a transfusion. Also, talk to the Newborn Stem Cell Preservation bank and understand all the steps they take to ensure the viability of samples in storage and transportation. Stem cell preservations require the right temperature and storage condition to be a successful aid in transfusion.
These are some of the essential factors you should pay attention to when choosing to preserve stem cells.
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